Sunday, January 11, 2009


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Use Feng Shui to Help You to Choose your baby Gender

Only experienced Feng Shui veterans know Feng Shui can helps people to choose the baby’s sex before planning the conception this advance method. It's quite expensive to have this advice because it takes time for the professionals to do the calculation. Now the computer does the free calculation for us.
The Application
Each house and bedroom has its own Feng Shui. We will arrange a potential location for making a baby boy or a baby girl.
We need you to send this info:
1. What type of the house
2. Which bedroom in the house
3. The colour of paint in your bedroom
4. The bed location in the bedroom
5. Which month for conception

Science Method


Science method are based on certain knowledge about the differences in characteristics of the sperm, the changes that take place in a woman’s body at various stages of her monthly cycle and the type of food to be taken before conceive.

(a) The Right Time to have sexual intercourse
A way for how to have a baby boy or baby girl is the time when sexual intercourse occurs. The timing is based on when ovulation occurs. Sometimes it’s difficult to know when ovulation occurs but there are many ways to determine it.

Conception takes place when the egg (ovum) produced in the woman’s body gets fertilized by a sperm. The gender of the baby is determined by the kind of sperm that fertilizes the egg.
If the Y-chromosome sperm reaches the egg, then the baby is a boy. If the X-chromosome joins the egg, then the baby is a girl.
The Y (boy) sperms are highly agile, good swimmers and move fast. The X (girl) sperm are bigger and slower. In a direct race, the X sperns stand no chance of getting to fertilise the egg. But the X sperm have a longer life, even in a hostile reproductive environment. X sperm are more resilient and live for a longer period than Y sperms.
By the different endowments of the Y and X sperms, we can influence the gender of the baby to be conceived.
We could create conditions for the boy sperm, which is faster even though it has a shorter life, to reach the egg and do its job first. And we also could make it possible for the egg to be fertilized by the slower X sperm.
To do this, we would have to know something more. We have to know the time at which ovulation takes place, that is, the time at which the egg is ready for fertilization and is released from the woman’s ovary.
You have the power to decide whether you want to have a baby boy or baby girl.
You just need to tell you when is your next period cycle.

(b) How you have sexual intercourse

Another way you can influence the gender of the child you conceive is to use an appropriate position to have sex. How to have a baby boy is to use a sexual position that will give the male sperm the best chance of surviving and fertilizing the egg. This means that you want to use positions that will allow you to deposit the sperm as deeply into the cervix as possible.
Another way how to have a baby girl is to use position during intercourse that will help the odds of having a girl. There are positions that will help you have either a girl or a boy. Knowing how sperm act should help you determine which positions you use.
We will list out all the position to you!

(c) Food To Be Taken

There are certain things you can do to have the baby gender of your choice and there are many different factors that determine what gender your baby will be.
Studies have shown that what the woman eats can influence whether her eggs attract male or female sperm. If a woman starts a certain diet at least six weeks before conceiving a baby she can help influence whether she conceives a boy or a girl. Example, if you want a baby boy you must eat foods from the earth that will help your eggs attract male sperm.
Minor changes in diet, what you eat and drink, what to avoid and what to add to your recipes.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Choose The Sex Of Baby

The advances of science and technologies can help couples pick and choose the sex of their baby. However, maybe you are not the couple that needs medical help conceiving and you do not have bundles of cash to unload on a medical professional to help you choose the sex of a baby.

With our Science, Feng Shui and Chinese Prediction Calendar Method,
serious couples nowadays can really choose the sex of their baby.
Choosing baby gender really is possible and is actually easy to achieve IF and ONLY IF you follow the steps we provided to you before you conceive. We use natural methods that can be tried in attempt to choose a baby’s sex.
We provided 3 method:

§ Science Method
§ Feng Shui Method
§ Chinese Prediction Calendar Method

Friday, January 2, 2009

My Feng Shui Advice

This year 2009 will be the year of the Yin Earth Ox Ji Chou and we enter the sixth year of a 20-year cycle of period 8.

New year’s day for the Ji Chou year of the Ox falls on 26th January 2009 (Monday), marking the beginning of the new year. Celebrations are held by the deities in heaven to celebrate on the first day of New Year, bringing happiness not only to those up above but also on Earth. Is the most suitable time to welcome the Wealth God.

However the day is conflict between the elements for the month and will bring losses. It is not a suitable day for praying for good luck, travelling afar or holding celebrations on the first day of New Year.

If you want to avoid wealth problems, sickness, arguments, bankruptcy, legal problems, relationship problems, accidents and bad luck, my Feng Shui advise is select the Zhi-shi (12 midnight to 1.00am) to welcome the Wealth God.

Good Luck and Happy New Year!