Friday, April 10, 2009

How To Use Five Elements

Feng Shui Five Elements

One of the basic principles of feng shui is the principle of five elements. The five elements in feng shui are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. These feng shui elements interact between themselves in certain ways, generally defined as the Productive and Destructive cycles. Each feng shui element is represented by a specific color, and color is the easiest way to use the five elements principle to bring more harmony into your space with feng shui.

Color correspondence of each the five feng shui elements:

WOOD : Green, Brown
FIRE : Red, Strong Yellow, Orange, Purple, Pink
EARTH : Light Yellow. Sandy/Earthy, Light Brown
METAL : White, Gray
WATER : Blue, Black

Imagine the five feng shui elements as they exist in nature, and see how they interact. See wood for an actual tree, water as a river or rain, earth as soil, etc.

Example, how does wood interact with fire? Well, it is obvious, fire burns the wood, so you know to avoid a fire element in a feng shui area of the bagua that needs the Wood element.

How these elemental forces generate and regulate energy (chi) in nature, and by extension, in the human body and mind:

Generating Energy (Chi)
Each elemental force generates or creates the next element in a creative sequence.

For example:
Water generates wood. Rain nourishes a tree.
Wood generates fire. Burning wood generates fire.
Fire generates earth. Ash is created from the fire.
Earth generates metal. Metal is mined from the earth.
Metal generates water. Water condenses on metal.

This creative process is illustrated below:
Cycle of Generation

Based on Five Element Theory, each elemental force is also associated with another element which it is responsible for controlling or regulating,

For example:
Water controls fire. Water puts fire out.
Wood controls earth. Tree roots hold clods of earth.
Fire controls metal. Fire can melt metal.
Earth controls water. A pond holds water.
Metal controls wood. An ax cuts wood.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Feng Shui of Bedroom - Children's Bedroom

Children’s Rooms

Feng Shui applied to children's rooms can bring a vibrant, healthy and lasting sense of joy. This feng shui also providing relief in children's rooms.

Young children’s energy is expansive and fresh. It needs a sense of uninhibited growth in order to thrive. Feng shui is to help promote a harmonious growth. Feng shui may helps to avoid cluttered, busy and chaotic energy in children's rooms.

The main priorities in children's rooms are the fresh air and clear organization. Toys, gadgets, clothing, other items and accessories should be organize properly and neatly. Always monitor the air quality and always open the windows. Create a clutter clearing system that really works and use feng shui colors to strengthen the energy foundation for the young ones to experience harmonious and successful growth.

Place feng shui with children’s art. Just like working with color, good art will bring you the best feng shui energy needed in your space. Feng shui art not the Asian calligraphy art. Best feng shui art is the art that brings you a vibrant quality of energy that lifts and nourishes your personal energy. It can be any carefully selected image. Such as powerful photo with strong blue and white colors.

Feng Shui Tips For Better Study
Ancient Chinese people placed a big emphasis on educating the younger generations. There are many feng shui cures for encouraging and promoting lifelong learning in children.

According to the Feng Shui Bagua or feng shui energy map, the West area of your space is the one with beneficial feng shui energy connected to your children's well-being. If this area treat poperly, this feng shui area can create an auspicious quality of energy that will encourage your child's love for learning.

Here are some basic feng shui points to keep in mind:

(i) The feng shui element of the West is Metal, so avoid Fire feng shui element energy (in colors, shapes, images of fire), because in the cycle of five feng shui elements Fire feng shui element melts the Metal feng shui element.

(ii) On a practical level, avoid having red color on the wall, artwork with fiery energy or a big red sofa or a red or purple area carpet in the West feng shui area of your space.

(iii) To strengthen this feng shui area, use Metal feng shui element (colors white and gray) or Earth feng shui element (light yellow and sandy colors.) For example, you can go for a carpet with predominant earthy colors and white or cream color furnishings.

(iv) As West feng shui area is connected to your children's well-being, it is recommended to have your children's artwork, as well as happy photos of your children in this area. You can display them in either white, or metal frames. The combination of these items will create a beneficial flow of feng shui energy.

(v) Display books in a visible and easily accessible area. Shelf full of books will be the first view your child sees when he or she enters the room. The books have to be placed on a child-appropriate height, as well as have a nice reading area close by with good lighting and comfortable seating.

(vi) In either the North, Northeast or West feng shui area of your child’s room, display the map of the world or a free-standing globe This will encourage the feng shui energy of expanded thinking and a quest for a bigger vision of one's life.

Anyway, be sure your child has a healthy bedroom and is sleeping well. Growing up requires a lot of energy. Provide them with the best possible energy to support a harmonious and happy growth.

Feng Shui of Bedroom - Sex and Sexual Energy in Bedroom

Sex and Sexual Energy in Bedroom

Here are some feng shui tips to help you attract stronger sexual energy into your life, as well as to attract a sexual partner to practice with.

(i) Create your own feng shui sex cure by clearly expressing your intent in a visual format. This can be an art piece, a photo or a small sculpture. From a feng shui cure such as a photo of modern lovers to a small golden sculpture of Shiva & Shakti in sexual union - only you know what you emotionally respond to. Place your feng shui sex cure in the Northwest area of your home or your bedroom.

(ii) Create a private space that will be supportive of the exchange of sexual energy. Your bedroom should have good feng shui sexual Chi enhancers, such as warm colors, soft furnishings and a comfortable bed.

(iii) Clean air with a sweet fragrance of essential oils such as ylang-ylang, sandalwood, neroli or jasmine will increase the sexual drive.

(iv) Candlelight and sensual music will also increase sexual energy.

(v) Display explicit sexual art to set the desired feng shui for sex energy.

(vi) Create a good flow of sensual Chi in your bedroom’s bathroom. The feng shui energies of the bathroom and the bedroom are intricately connected in promoting a strong flow of sexual energy.

(vii) Check your whole space for the flow of sexual energy. The feng shui check-up here will be close to the one you will do when checking your space for the feng shui flow of love. The focus, though, will be on sexual activity versus a committed partnership.

(viii) To ncrease your personal energy and sexual charisma, find out your feng shui birth element and your kua number.

(ix) Have your bed facing one of your best direction.

(x) Be clear with your partner about the intent to enjoy sexual pleasure without being romantically involved. This will set the right feng shui energy for your exploration. It will also attract the energy of pleasure versus hurtful emotions or misunderstandings.

Sex is a powerful yin-yang energy exchange. You need to be mindful of the quality of your own energy and the energy of people you want to attract. In the world of feng shui energy, like attracts like, so be what you want to attract.

Feng Shui of Bedroom - Bedroom Solutions

Feng Shui Bedroom Solutions

If there is no way you can find a good feng shui bed position in your bedroom, find the best feng shui solution for them:deal with the possible challenges in your bedroom.

Most common feng shui bedroom challenges:

(i) Mirror facing the bed
A mirror facing the bed is a big feng shui red flag - bad feng shui. Either a mirror from a closet door, a mirror from a piece of furniture or a free standing mirror that reflect your bed will give a very bad feng shui. The mirror will against couple's harmony and sexual healing.

(ii) Bed in line with the door
Be it the bedroom door, the door to the balcony or patio, the ensuite bathroom door or your closet doors, you do not want your bed in line with any of the doors in your bedroom.

(iii) Chimes or bellsNothing heavy, nothing hanging, please Do not hang chimes and bells above your head, this is bad feng shui. Do not hang heavy things too.

(iv) Sharp angles
Sharp angles (sha chi, or poison arrows) pointing at you when you sleep will create a very bad feng shui. Be it from the nearby nightstands, from a further away piece of furniture, such as a chest of drawers or from a sharp wall corner. Neutralize all the sharp energy aiming at your bed.

(v) Bed under the window
When you sleep under the window, your personal energy tends to get weaker in time, as it has neither proper support, not protection. In addition to a good headboard, you always want to have a solid wall behind your bed.

(vi) Bed under a sloped ceiling
When you sleep or spend time under a sloped ceiling, your energy is being heavily constricted and is under constant pressure. Nighttime is the only time when the body can do the deep work of regenerating itself. Sleeping under a sloped ceiling restricts this work, thus one's health may suffer. Sleeping in a bed under a sloped ceiling can also contribute to emotional instability and low energy.

(vii) Bed with access from only one side
A bed with access from only ones side limits the flow of energy to your bed. In addition, if you are in an intimate love relationship, having a bed with access from only one side can limit the open flow of communication between partners.

Bathroom Over the Master Bedroom

This is not the best feng shui set-up if a bathroom over the master bedroom or sleep in a bedroom with a bathroom over it. An important factor to consider in looking for feng shui cures in this case is how busy the upstairs bathroom is, meaning how often it is used. It is preferable in this case to keep it just for occasional use or as guest bathroom.

Feng Shui of Bedroom

Bed Position

Bedrooms are very important in feng shui for obvious reasons. Your bed and your bedroom have to have good feng shui to support your personal energy. Your bed also has to maintain the feng shui energy of love and healing.

Feng shui bed placement is where you may encounter many challenges, all depending on your existing bedroom options.

The first step in creating good feng shui energy in your bedroom is to do your best in meeting the feng shui bed guidelines.

Next, examine your bedroom and see if you can place the bed in the ideal feng shui spot for your bed, good feng shui commanding position.

Feng shui commanding position is the area further from the door or diagonally from the door, but not in line with the door. In other words, you want to be able to see the door while in bed, but not be aligned with the door.

The other good feng shui criteria for a good bed placement are:

(i) Good supporting wall behind your bed.
(ii) Grounding and balanced energy on both sides such as nightstands.
(iii) No sharp angles from wall or furniture corners pointing at you while you sleep.
(iv) Position your bed away from the walls that have electric appliances on either side.
(v) Avoid a bed in line with the bedroom door, as well as any other doors (balcony doors, bathroom door, walk-in closet or patio doors).
(vi) Place the bed according to your best or lucky feng shui directions if possible.

Feng Shui Lucky Directions:

(i) Do not place your bed in a corner or angle the bed in a room just so that you can sleep facing your best feng shui directions.
(ii) Do not sleep in the living room just so that you can face your best directions.
(iii) If your bed cannot face your best feng shui directions, you can sure focus on facing your lucky directions when you work, watch TV, or eat dinner.

Be creative and be smart and know that there are solutions for almost everything in feng shui.

Feng Shui of Bedroom- Bedroom Guidelines

Bedroom Guidelines

Good bed is one of the most important feng shui purchases for own well-being. Bed is the only piece of furniture that has the most intimate connection to your personal energy.

The role of the feng shui of bed and bedroom in relation to health, well-being and the quality of relationships cannot be overestimated.

Our great feng shui advice for feng shui bed:

(i) Good headboard.
Your head needs good backing, protection and support after a busy work of the day. Best feng shui headboards are the ones that are solid and made from wood or the upholstered ones. This will supports good feng shui energy for you and your bedroom.

(ii) Good mattress.
Good matress will promote best sleep and relaxation. The better your health during the day if you have a better sleep during that night. For a good feng shui, do not buy used mattresses because you never know what energy they have accumulated from previous owners.

(iii) Good height.
You need to have your bed at a reasonable height above the floor level to allow for a balanced feng shui energy under the bed. Do not buy bed that have built-in storage drawers underneath to help you with storage solutions. Why? The energy needs to circulate around your body when you sleep, which is not possible if the space underneath the bed is blocked.

Feng Shui of Bedroom - For Love & Sex

Bedroom For Love & Sex

The idea of a perfect feng shui bedroom may bring different images to different people. But pleasure and dreaming are every couple’s keywords. In a good feng shui bedroom, every item will reflect the clear intent for love and relaxation.

Here are a few more basic feng shui guidelines for bedroom:

(i) Do not put TV, computer or exercise equipment in your bedroom. The good feng shui energy in your bedroom is destroyed when these items are present in your bedroom. The couple who sleeps in that bedroom either is, or soon will be going through considerable emotional difficulties in their relationship

(ii) Open the windows often to keep the air fresh. You may use good quality air-purifier. You cannot have good feng shui in your bedroom if the air you breathe in is stale and full of pollutants. Please note that plants in the bedroom are not good feng shui, unless your bedroom is fairly large and the plants are located far from the bed.

(iii) Have several levels of lighting in your bedroom. Use a dimmer switch to adjust the energy accordingly. Good, an appropriate lighting is very important, as light is the strongest manifestation of feng shui energy.

(iv) Use soothing colors to achieve a good feng shui balance in your bedroom. Feng Shui bedroom decor is a balanced decor that promotes the best flow of energy for restorative sleep, as well as sexual healing. Best feng shui colors for the bedroom are considered as "skin colors". Choose colors within white to chocolate brown for your best feng shui bedroom decor.

(v) Images carry powerful feng shui energy. Best feng shui advice for the bedroom art is to choose images that you want to see happening in your life. Place image of a pair of couple. Do not use sad and lonely images in your bedroom.

(vi) Have your bed easily approachable from both sides can create a perfect feng shui bedroom. Have two bedside tables (one on each side) and avoid having the bed in a direct line with the door.

(vii) A "good looking" and well-balanced bed is very important in creating a perfect feng shui bedroom. Good mattress, solid headboard and high quality sheets from natural fibers are also very important in creating harmonious feng shui energy.

(viii) Keep all the bedroom doors closed at night. This will allow for the best and most nourishing flow of feng shui to strengthen the health of your relationship.