Friday, March 27, 2009

What Is Feng Shui

What Is Feng Shui

"Feng" means "wind" and "shui" means "water". In Chinese culture gentle wind and clear water have always been associated with good harvest and good health, thus "good feng shui" came to mean good livelihood and fortune, while "bad feng shui" came to mean hardship and misfortune.

Feng Shui is based on the Taoist vision and understanding of nature, particularly on the idea that the land is alive and filled with Chi, or energy. The ancient Chinese believed that the land's energy could either make or break the kingdom, so to speak. The theories of yin and yang, as well as the five feng shui elements, are some of the basic aspects of a feng shui analysis that come from Taoism.

The main tools used in a feng shui analysis are the Compass and the Ba-Gua. The Ba-Gua is an octagonal grid containing the symbols of the I Ching, the ancient oracle on which Feng Shui is based. Knowing the Bagua of your home will help you understand the connection of specific feng shui areas of your home to specific areas of your life.
The feng shui compass, also called lo-pan, is used to access deeper information about a site or a building. It consists of bands of concentric rings arranged around the magnetic needle. "Lo" means "everything" and "pan" means "bowl", which can be interpreted as the key to the mysteries of the universe.

Feng Shui offers a variety of feng shui cures to improve your life. There are many ways you can improve the energy in your home with feng shui such as using feng shui of crystals, feng shui of fountains, feng shui use of colors, feng shui use of clocks etc.
Watch these FREE feng shui

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