Friday, September 3, 2010

How To Create Crystal Energy Fields

This is not a simple task. Despite their superior power, they need to be “readied” for their tasks. They need to be “treated” properly.

It’s a long and meticulous process - right from diagonising the client’s problems, wish lists, anticipated troubles, it goes right through to judging the crystal power needed for that particular customer/problem, calculating the number of crystals, selecting the right crystal varieties, exact crystal shapes - just like choosing the right computer configuration - not only for the current needs but also for the future requirements.

The Crystals are then cleansed, awakened (if need be), energised (to last for a long time - so long that one may almost call them near-permanent) blessed (by powerful and divine angelic forces) and then finally activated.

Now comes the most crucial and life-giving part, the programming itself. The energy pattern native to the Crystals as well as the reinforced energy matrix is fully dedicated to the cause and life of the client’s family/business - to solving the existing problems, to infuse positivity, boost growth and to protect when needed. This is the “crystal programming”. Then all the involved Crystals are intensely bound and “networked” (once again, like in computers), as in the case, with star attraction, that is the Energy Tower (which could be a Crystal Pyramid, Crystal Maha Meru or a Pancha Boodha Stupa) to be linked and maintained till the end. That completes the “software” part.

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